Military Embedded Systems

VSIPL library helps classic DSP stay cutting-edge


June 22, 2011

Alice Moss

Military Embedded Systems

Chris A. Ciufo

General Micro Systems, Inc.

VSIPL library helps classic DSP stay cutting-edge

DSP apps have been running in the military embedded scene seemingly since the beginning of time.

DSP apps have been running in the military embedded scene seemingly since the beginning of time. OK, maybe not since the beginning of time, but close … However, even DSP and other signal-processing systems must keep up with the times, and RunTime Computing Solutions’ “VSI/Pro 1.20” signal- and math-processing library aims to eliminate porting-to-2nd-gen-Intel-Core woes. Compliant with the Vector, Signal, and Image Processing Library (VSIPL) industry standard for DSP and COTS processor-based image- and signal-processing functionality (, VSI/Pro 1.20’s optimization for Intel 2nd-Gen Core processors includes vectorized libraries incorporating the new 2nd-gen Core’s Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX) instruction set, along with the SSE-based performance enhancements. Note: Though we’re focusing on the souped-up Intel Gen 2 version here, RunTime Computing Solutions still offers its PowerPC/AltiVec and x86 versions of VSI/Pro, too.

So what is the “out-of-the-box solution” VSI/Pro’s goal in life? To optimize the DSP app’s Application Programmer Interface (API) to hasten image- and signal-processing application development and make hand-tuning for particular OS/hardware configurations a thing of the past. The library does that via its provided linear-system and signal-processing functions such as IIR and FIR filters and windowing, 1-D and 2-D correlations and convolutions, and FFTs in 1D, 2D, and 3D style. The option of image-processing functionality is also an alternative.


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