Military Embedded Systems

SRI International, MarketsandMarkets collaboration aims to bring holistic view of the effects of emerging tech


August 28, 2018

Mariana Iriarte

Technology Editor

Military Embedded Systems

CHICAGO. SIR International and MarketsandMarkets officials are teaming up to deliver more comprehensive marketplace and revenue intelligence, analyses, research and development services to clients across the globe in all industries, advanced technologies, and information sciences.

Combining MarketsandMarkets’ Intelligence services, including market sizing, forecasting, technology assessments and roadmaps, and competitive analysis with SRI’s broad technical subject matter expertise, the two organizations will leverage research capabilities to broaden their coverage. They will also conduct focused workshops and other events for their global clients.

“By combining the expertise of SRI with MarketsandMarkets’ revenue impact research, we can offer our clients a holistic view of how emerging technologies will affect business,” says Sandeep Sugla, CEO and founder of MarketsandMarkets. “We believe this is a win-win-win for SRI, MarketsandMarkets and especially our clients.”

“MarketsandMarkets is well known for helping organizations identify new opportunities and use cases in emerging, high-growth technologies,” says Shelly Singh, chief operating officer of MarketsandMarkets. “Combining SRI’s cutting-edge technology innovation with MarketsandMarkets’ business focused research is a powerful combination that will guide our clients to new use cases and business opportunities.”


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