Military Embedded Systems

Raytheon to make GPS more secure for military systems


August 09, 2019

Emma Helfrich

Technology Editor

Military Embedded Systems

Raytheon to make GPS more secure for military systems
Photo courtesy of Raytheon.

WALTHAM, Mass. Raytheon received security certification for new GPS modules and receivers from the Global Positioning Systems Directorate at the U.S. Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center.


The new modules and receivers will give military aircraft, ships, ground vehicles, and weapon systems secure and reliable access to modernized GPS.

Raytheon's military code common GPS module was certified, along with its ground-based GPS receiver, or GB-GRAM, and the avionics GPS receiver, or GRAM- S/M . GB-GRAM and GRAM S/M are jointly developed with Trimble Inc., while General Dynamics provides cryptographic capabilities for the modules.



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