Military Embedded Systems

HARM Control Section Modification (HCSM) contract won by Raytheon


September 18, 2013

John McHale

Editorial Director

Military Embedded Systems

TUCSON, AZ. Raytheon won a $14 million Air Force Lot 2 contract for continuing full rate production of the High-Speed Anti-Radiation Missile (HARM) Control Section Modification (HCSM) upgrade units. This modification adds a GPS receiver as well as an enhanced inertial measurement unit (IMU) for precision navigation to the current HARM. It also has a digital flight computer that fuses targeting solutions from navigation and seeker systems.

The AGM-88 HARM suppress or destroys surface-to-air missile radars, early warning radars, and radar-directed air defense artillery systems. HCSM adds GPS/IMU navigation accuracy, which gives HARM the ability to engage time-critical targets.HCSM has some new features, which degrade counter-HARM tactics, while reducing the fratricide or collateral damage risk.

"HCSM upgrades to the HARM allow the enhanced weapon to precisely engage the target set," says Jack Roosa, Raytheon Missile Systems program director. The modifications negate many counter tactics of sophisticated radar-directed defenses and bring a stand-off, high-speed strike capability against time critical targets of known location, he adds.

Raytheon began modifying the existing HARMs earlier this year. Delivery of the units is scheduled to happen by the end of this year. Raytheon's teammates on the HCSM program include Honeywell, Rockwell Collins, and others.


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