Military Embedded Systems

FACE Edition 2.0 avionics standard approved and published


March 04, 2013

John McHale

Editorial Director

Military Embedded Systems

DAYTON, OH. Officials at the Open Group announced that the Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE™), Edition 2.0, -- has been unanimously approved and published by organization's Governing Board. The FACE standard essentially enables software applications that have the common FACE API to have portability across multiple avionics platforms -- from rotary wing to fixed wing to unmanned aircraft.

Visit the following link in The Open Group Publications Catalog to learn more: Also be sure to check out a webcast at 2pm Est. on March 26 from Military Embedded Systems titled: "Accelerating safety and security certification with COTS FACE solutions." To register, click here.

The FACE Consortium is progressing fast for a standards organization -- completing the second version just over a year after the release of FACE 1.0. More information on Edition 2.0 is expected to be released later this week. next meeting of the FACE Consortium will be held April 2, 2013 at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. FACE members/suppliers and U.S. Air Force personnel are expected to attend. Details of this event will be available on the FACE Consortium website:


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