Military Embedded Systems

AI assistant examined to aid in simplifying applications for USAF


April 16, 2020

Lisa Daigle

Assistant Managing Editor

Military Embedded Systems

LOS ANGELES. Engineering firm MSBAI has received an AFWERX Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase 1 contract to examine integrating its GURU artficial intelligence (AI) technology to U.S. Air Force applications.

MSBAI's GURU product is an AI-driven assistant that learns to run complicated software itself, which minimizes the human workload needed to translate complex engineering questions into computational workflows.

According to Air Force officials, the rationale for using AI to simplify applications is this: Engineers use computer simulations for anything from airflow over wings to thermal analysis of the hot section in gas turbines, but the simulation software is often far too complicated for a human to learn. New exascale -- and soon, quantum -- systems will require an AI layer for humans to be able to keep up.

According to information from MSBAI, numerous dual-use applications arise from enabling more engineers to use the best design and analysis software and deploy it on a high-performance computing scale: Manufacturers stand to gain a 500-to-1 return on investment, while the U.S. Department of Defense will both save billions of dollars in aircraft sustainment and gain an advantage in rapid reaction.